

Welcome to the Awards Page of Zeo Asia - a showcase of our commitment to redefining excellence in event management. These accolades represent the culmination of hard work, creativity, and a passion for crafting extraordinary experiences.

Over the years, Zeo Asia has been privileged to receive recognition from esteemed industry bodies and peers, underscoring our dedication to delivering seamless and innovative events. These awards remind us of the trust our clients place in us and the partnerships we nurture with our collaborators.

From flawless execution to innovative concepts, each award highlights a facet of our journey that has propelled us forward. We take pride in these achievements, as they mirror the collaborative efforts of our team, clients, and associates.

As we display these honors, we extend our gratitude to everyone who has been a part of our journey. Zeo Asia continues to be fueled by creativity, passion, and the desire to shape unforgettable moments.

Thank you for sharing in our success and being an integral part of the Zeo Asia story.

Zeo Asia - Where Excellence Meets Celebration




Team Spirit

Asia Pacific TOP Excellent Service Award '22-24

Platinum Business Award

The Marketing Event Awards 2022

Asia Honesty Award  

Malaysia TOP 50 Emerging Entrepreneurs Award

SME 100 Award - Malaysia Fats Moving Companies

The Marketing Event Awards 2023

Awards with ISO 9001: 2015

Platinum Business Award SME

Marketing Excellence Awards 2023 Malaysia